Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Percentage calculation is often needed for many purposes students use it to calculate their marks percentage, in markets shopkeepers and customers used it to calculate the discount percentage value, and also used at many other places. Use our best Percentage Calculator.

Percentage Calculator Online Free With Steps

You can find the percentage by following these 3 ways;

  • Find percentage value.

To find the percentage value, enter the percentage number and the original value or total value of the product.


Find the percentage of 15% of 200 and that value is 30. Put these values in the calculator. And get results.

Percentage Calculator Online Free

  • Find percentage.

To find the percentage number, enter the percentage value and the original value or total value of the product.


Find the percentage of 30 out of 200 and that percentage is 15%. Put these values in the calculator. And get results.

Percentage Calculator Online Free

  • Find the original value.

To find the original or total value, enter the percentage number and percentage value. Put these values in the calculator. And get results.


Find the number whose percentage is 15% and the percentage value is 30. The number is 200.

Percentage Calculator Online Free

Percentage and Percentage Calculator

The percentage is the combination of words. Percent is derived from two words percent that is written after combining. The percentage is denoted by the % symbol. Percent means per hundred.

To find the percentage we calculate it manually which is time taking. So this modern world made it easy with the online calculator. You have to just put the values and press the calculate button. The result is in front of you in seconds. Also, check out this amazing tool Average Calculator

3 ways of Finding Percentage 

You can find the percentage in these 3 ways;

  • Find percentage value by percentage and original value.
  • Find percentage by percentage value and original value.
  • Find the original value by percentage and percentage value.

Benefits of online Percentage calculator

The following are some benefits of a percentage calculator;

  1. Available Easily

The percentage calculator is easily available at any time. Everyone uses it due to its friendly interface.

  1. Multiple percentage calculation

It calculates the percentage in three ways; calculating percentage, percentage values, actual values, etc.

  1. Time-saving

Calculating Percentage manually is a time taking and lengthy task. So these online tools help you to do tasks quickly and easily. In this way, you save your time as well.


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